Aerial Photograph-drone Platform
Malaysia has 4.917 million hectare of oil palm plantation in 2011 (MPOB), comprises 4.280 million hectares matured palms and 0.637 million hectares of inmatured palms If the palm was planted at the rate of 135palm /hectare, Malaysia was having 663.795 million palm trees. If the cost of fertilizer applied about USD4.0 per palm, the total value of fertilizer could be about USD2.7 billion per year.
Presently, after 7 years the total number of palm may be less, die due disease such ganoderma and other causes. Thus the amount of fertilizer needed could be less.
If the number of palm reduced by 5 percent, Plantation could save USD135 million per year., and in 10 years the plantation owners could save USD1.35 billion.
Thus, by knowing the actual number of palm in your plantation , you could save and reduce wastage, reduce water pollution of chemical fertilizer in the rivers.
Geoprecision Tech provides services in inventorying oil palm plantation, forest plantation, rubber plantation, and other agricultural services. The inventorying are based on satellite remote sensing and aerial photograph from drone platform.
The outputs delivered to client are plantation maps, total oil number, plantation infrastructure, plantation GIS database, palm heath, plantation landuse etc.
The counting will be done automatic and semi-automatic using software
The advantages of using satellite remote sensing for tree counting are: the data is cheaper and cover large area of plantation, and faster. The disadvantages is sometimes the data is not available due bad cloud cover.,
The advantages of using aerial photographs from drone platform is the data real-time and faster. While the disadvantages of using drone for plantation inventory are: the data is expensive, time consuming.
It is recommended that for large plantation, one should use both satellite and drone data. For small one should use drone for plantation inventory.
Rubber tree counting
High Resolution satellite Data
Rubber Plantation
Oil Palm Plantation
Oil Palm Tree counting